Time is Precious

I do not celebrate Christmas, but look forward to visiting family and friends over the holidays, and thinking about the year as it winds down… "I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person is humanized or de-humanized…" ~ Goethe When the narcissistic elements of Goethe’s sentiment are minimized and the core of his words emphasized, what remains (for me) is thematic for the year that lies ahead: Choice. That is, the act of choosing to put energy into positive re/actions instead of getting tripped up by the negative (at first, this could be a daily, maybe even an hourly practice!). We know this makes practical sense; yet navigating through life’s daily hurdles can sometimes make staying clear and positive difficult (maybe, in small measures, Pollyannaism serves as a saving grace!). Stepping away from righteous positions, in favor of compassion - or at the very least – considering the other’s perspective, also opens space and is a healing act for both parties. After all, just because we are passionate about some particular stance does not trump another person’s beliefs or values. My Métis Elders call this non-interference. Simply, respect for difference. Similarly, maybe reaching beyond introverted tendencies is unnatural for some but necessary. Really, there is nothing cool about being self-focused. In fact, it creates missed opportunities. When time is so precious, how can we continue choosing to miss out? I have come to this place at the end of one of the busiest years of my life. Work, work travel, commuting, playing music, writing a poetry book, along with the basics of life, just taking care of business and fitting in physical exercise, have meant that each day is filled to the max. How blessed am I to have purpose? But time is the most precious; an invaluable commodity that cannot be banked. This is why now, more than ever, I find the need for the year ahead to be free from “tools of torture”, such as emotional, time-waster people and mood-kill situations. Yes, there will always be experiences that offend, hurt, or reek of misunderstanding. There will even be energy expended towards others who choose not to respond. Maybe the timing is not right for them. It is truly their loss. Giving is also a choice; so is being let in. Moving on; however, is also always a choice. I know that 2016 will be busy, with work, work travel, as well as with music (and some words, although with two books in two years the focus will be on music not writing!). I will continue making the most of each day, pursuing creative voices, but also enjoying creative gains. I am making space for its arrival. I have purged my home of clutter, including painting the walls, and sold or given away old things that will feel new to others. Clear, free, and open. “Instruments of Inspiration” One year ago today I began playing the bass guitar. There is still much to learn and practice (while also playing guitar, bass practice time is precious), but today I’m listening to the bass parts in the world music beats of Alex Skolnick’s Planetary Coalition album. Earthly divine. The bass parts sound organic; that is, not busy or self-indulgent; instead, responding to the needs of the song. Drawing from this, in my facebook video I’m playing with a few different African drum tracks. I’m blind to how this works technically and so resort to musical intuition. This is okay. It does not have to be figured out today. Sometimes there is just joy in doing. May peace and inspiration surround you in these last few precious days of 2015. “We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden.” ~ Goethe