Winter Escape to the Land of the Mexican Guitarrón

Okay, I did not actually see/hear a guitarrón (a six-string acoustic bass played in mariachi groups) while in Mexico, but clusters of bright-colored mini guitars (?) propped together in the sun, in Ensenada's open market, radiated happiness. I was, however, serenaded by a friendly, local acoustic guitarist while on the tour bus to the city's outskirts. (Muchas) Gracias!
My main thought on travel is: be hollow-boned - open to the core - be a vessel to soak in new perspectives. With each new experience we etch touchstones on the pathway ahead, that both feeds already-percolating creativity and forges new forks in the road. That is, if we are open to it. I do know of folks who have traveled the world and remain the same. Egotistical, near-sighted, or close-minded, I guess.
Travel changes who we are; each new experience cannot be rolled back. Although my trip to Long Beach & Catalina Island and Ensenada was a packaged cruise (a tourist vacation, nothing off-the-grid with adventure), the sun felt different from home. Walking along the arts-inspired seawall in Catalina Island, along the sun-soaked, dirt-pathed market in Ensenada (pursued vigorously by eager vendors!), or on the jogging track on the top deck of the cruise ship, I am changed. The stories received from those around me ensure this change.
Back home, as winter persists, I hold the photos (permanence) and recall the memories (spirit-lifters). Ah, Mexico, I love you, take me back! This is not in the near future, so I leave you with this video of Alex Skolnick and Rodrigo y Gabriela (guitarists from Mexico City) igniting passion on the acoustic guitar!