"The Jade Pond" - Haiku Poetry

A few years ago, before I began spending each Sunday in my music studio, I had the pleasure of attending the Vancouver Haiku Group’s monthly meetings. This is a passionate group of poets, writers, and artists who are dedicated to the haiku form. In between our meetings, we would write haiku poems on themes sent to us by the group's facilitator. We would then read them anonymously and provide constructive feedback to each other.
This week, the Vancouver Haiku Group released their first book, "The Jade Pond". The poems were inspired by Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden, a serene setting in the heart of Vancouver’s Chinatown, where we would often meet for inspiration, workshops, and meditation. I have included photos from the garden as it is truly a hidden gem within the downtown eastside. From the concrete and bustle that surrounds it, there is no hint of the beauty on the inside!
For more about the book, please visit online and look for it on Amazon in the near future.