Dream-Catching in Puerto Vallarta

By February, with the dampness of Vancouver deep in my bones, I'm ready to head south. This time to Puerto Vallarta for a week of sun, meeting friendly locals, and taking in a few rural cultural tours.
I had also planned to do a lot of poetry writing; however, given the construction on and beside the hotel property, and the intermittent internet access, not much work was accomplished. Things to ask my travel agent ahead of time, next time!
Yet random notes and ideas were taken and will certainly be re-visited in the future. Perhaps my time in Mexico was meant to be for walking, not running around the city as per my usual practice; for feeling my body soak in the sun and the ocean, not staggered and oppressed by the burdens of work back home. It was a time to create an open space in my soul, in my heart, and my mind's eye. It was also a time to see new cultural beauty, to be re-charged and able to give kindness, and to move away from self-focused habits when, back home, daily frustrations had been compounding. I have now returned home, rested and inspired, feeling ready to work on new life chapters.
May all your travels, too, be a form of dream-catching!